Saturday, May 4, 2013

Culture of SABAH (Part I)

Various of Costumes
"The Malaysia of Borneo"

Sabah's population is heterogeneous and culturally diverse, with more than 30 different ethnic races and over 80 local dialects spoken. The origins of the ethnic groups are charmingly “explained” in an old folk tale that originates in legend and history and is a legacy from Sabah’s oldest people. The tale speaks of a place called Nunuk Ragang, the original Sabahan’s Garden of Eden, somewhere in the heart of Sabah. A river ran through it with a nunuk or a banyan tree on its bank. The native children loved to play in the river and climb the huge branches of the banyan tree to sun themselves – which is how true Sabahans got the golden glow on their skins. People lived happily together and multiplied. Very soon, Nunuk Ragang got too crowded. Families had to move out in search of new places to live. Some went across valley plains and settled as farmers while others made their way up to the highlands and learned to hunt and reap the bounty of jungles. Some trekked as far as the east coast and settled there. And that was how the people spread across the land.

The Kadazandusun Tribe
This is the largest ethnic category in Sabah and is predominantly wet rice and hill rice cultivators. Their language belongs to the Dusunic family and shares a common animistic belief system with various customs and practices. Their ancient beliefs on the verity that everything has life - the rocks, trees, and rivers are all living things. Now many have migrated to urban areas and are prominent in the civil service and the professions.
Figure 1.0
 (KadazanDusun Costume)
Figure 2.0
(KadazanDusun Papar)

Figure 3.0
(Unduk Ngadau- A model from story of Hominodun)

The Bajau Tribe
The Bajaus are Sabah’s second largest indigenous group. They are found in concentrated numbers on the coastal areas especially from Kota Kinabalu to Kota Belud and around the Semporna area. Originally they were seafarers and at one time many were feared pirates. The West Coast Bajaus are now mainly farmers and cattle breeders, the renowed “Cowboy Horsemen” of Sabah. The Bajau of the East Coast are traditionally coastal dwellers and fishermen although many have now settled on land. The Bajaus are Muslims believed to have emigrated from the Philippines  although they also claim descent from the Johor Malays.

Figure 4.0

Figure 5.0

The Rungus Tribe 

The Rungus living in the Kudat district are known to have maintained their ancient traditions to this day. Even the traditional ladies costume has not many changes made to it. Some of the women still wear costumes made from cloth processed form hand-grown and hand-spun cotton. The Rungus are also well-known for their bead work and the costume shows off some of their finest.

Figure 6.0

Figure 7.0

The Murut Tribe 

Literally "Murut" means hill people". They inhabit the interior and southeastern parts of Sabah and the territory straddling the Kalimantan and Sarawak borders. They were onced feared head-hunters. Most Muruts live in three districts, Tenom, Keningau and Pensiangan where they were mainly longhouse dwellers. They are mostly shifting cultivators and hunters with some riverine fishing. Besides, hunting with a blowpipe and spear, they also gather jungle produce such as rattan and resin as well as plant paddy. Those of Murut origin speak 15 languages and 21 dialects. The language commonly used and understood by the large majority is Tanggal. Their language is also related to the Kadazandusun languages. 

Figure 8.0

Figure 9.0 

Many of the ethnic groups share a similar oral history, languages and traditions. However, lack of communication due to rugged terrains has resulted in the evolution of many dialects in common languages, different dress styles, handicrafts and cultures. The largest indigenous ethnic group is Kadazan-Dusun, followed by Bajau, and Murut. Traditions and customs have long been part of Sabahans’ daily lives.
One will normally ask what kinds of people live in this land of eco-treasures. Often by further understanding their spectrum of cultures, one will find the answer as all types, colours and creeds. All these ethnic groups live together harmoniously while at the same time preserving their own culture, traditions, festivals and customs to make Sabah a multicultural and exotic experience unlike any other that you might have already experienced.

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